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Mrkela, Lazar (Beograd , 2024)[more][less]
Abstract: This dissertation examines two discrete location problems and their bi- objective variants. The first problem under consideration is the maximal covering location problem with user preferences and budget constraints imposed on facility opening. This variant of the maximal covering problem has not been previously studied in the literature. Unlike the classical maximal covering problem, the variant proposed in this dissertation includes user preferences for locations, where users are assigned to the location with opened facility that they prefer the most. Additionally, different locations have different costs for establishing facilities, and the available budget for opening facilities is limited. This problem is solved using the Variable Neighborhood Search (VNS) method, and the results were compared with the ones obtained by an exact solver on modified instances from the literature. Furthermore, an existing variant of the maximal covering problem is also addressed, which imposes the limit on the number of opened facilities instead of limiting the budget for opening facilities. The second problem examined is the regenerator placement in optical networks. In optical networks, signal quality degrades with distance, necessitating the place- ment of costly devices to restore the signal. This dissertation studies an existing model where the set of possible regenerator locations and the set of user nodes are different, defining the problem as generalized. The generalized regenerator place- ment problem in optical networks is also solved using the Variable Neighborhood Search method, with results compared to the best available solutions from the lit- erature. Bi-objective variants of these problems are defined as well. For the maximal covering location problem, user preferences are included as weighted factors in the total covered demand, forming the first objective function. The second objective function represents the number of uncovered users and aims to ensure fairness in the model. In the regenerator placement problem for optical networks, it is assumed that, due to budget constraints, uninterrupted communication between all pairs of user nodes may not be feasible. Each pair is assigned a weight, and the sum of the weights of connected pairs constitutes the first objective function, while the second objective function represents the cost of placing regenerators. These bi-objective variants are solved using an adapted multi-objective version of the Variable Neigh- borhood Search method, and the results are compared with general evolutionary algorithms. URI: Files in this item: 1
lazar_mrkela_doktorska_disertacija.pdf ( 17.56Mb ) -
Lukić, Katarina (Beograd , 2024)[more][less]
Abstract: n this dissertation, we start from the curvature tensor of the pseudo- Riemannian manifold or the algebraic curvature tensor on a vector space with a (possibly indefinite) scalar product. The duality, proportionality and orthogonal- ity principles of Osserman tensors are studied as they are properties of curvature tensors that are characteristic of Riemannian Osserman manifolds. The estab- lished principles are generalized to the pseudo-Riemannian case and are observed in two directions. On the one hand, we are interested whether these principles follow from Osserman’s conditions, and on the other, to what extent Osserman’s conditions are a consequence of established principles. Quasi-Clifford tensors are introduced as a generalization of Clifford tensors, and then some sufficient condi- tions are given under which the totally duality principle holds for quasi-Clifford tensors, and an example of a pseudo-Riemannian Osserman tensor is presented for which the duality principle does not hold. The theorem on the existence of the algebraic curvature tensor for the given Jacobi operators is proved, which is used to prove the results on the principle of proportionality. The principle of orthogonality is devised as a new potential characterization of Riemannian Osser- man tensors. Every Riemannian Jacobi-orthogonal tensor is an Osserman tensor, while Clifford and two-root Riemannian Oserman tensors are Jacobi-orthogonal. Generalizations of the orthogonality principle in the pseudo-Riemannian case are presented, especially in the cases of small dimensions 3 and 4. URI: Files in this item: 1
katarina_lukic_teza.pdf ( 2.186Mb ) -
Jovanović, Miljana (Beograd , 2024)[more][less]
Abstract: One of the main objectives of the Gaia mission of the European Space Agency is to construct a celestial reference frame at the wavelengths of the optical domain, Gaia CRF. This frame needs a link to the International Celestial Reference Frame – ICRF which is fixed with respect to distant objects (quasars). The objects serving for the purpose of linking are required to be visible in both domains (optical and radio). A set of 47 such objects has been proposed and included which in the radio domain have no detected extended emission. The mentioned objects are active galactic nuclei (AGN) the brightness of which varies over the whole electromagnetic spectrum. The brightness change may be due to activity in different AGN regions, but also to external factors. Such variations can lead to changes in the photocentre position and, consequently, to changes of the object coordinates. In order to establish which objects are suitable for linking these two frames we have examined the brightness variation in the optical domain. The objects have been observed from 2013 in the V and R bands. We have analysed the brightness, colour (V − R) and optical spectral index (α). It has been established that for the majority of objects the brightness is variable, or possibly variable. Almost 15% of all objects have significant changes in their brightness (more than 1 mag), only ∼10% are stable with minor brightness changes of ∼0.3 mag. The results concerning the change analysis of the colour and α are also presented. Based on these results 17 objects are chosen as suitable for linking ICRF to Gaia CRF. The results of the analysis, as well as the observed values, are essential for the examination of these objects because of their importance in astrometry, also in astrophysics. These data are relevant to a better understanding of formation and evolution of galaxies. URI: Files in this item: 1
MiljanaJovanovic-teza.pdf ( 6.418Mb ) -
Lukić, Žikica (Beograd , 2024)[more][less]
Abstract: The main goal of this dissertation is twofold. In the first part, two novel two- sample tests for matrix data are presented. The theoretical properties of these novel tests are investigated in the context of testing orthogonal invariance in distribution, while the empirical values are presented in other cases. The tests are not distribution-free under H0. Therefore, their quality is investigated through a power study by implementing the warp-speed bootstrap algorithm. The novel tests are applied to multiple cases of real data, primarily originating in the field of finance. These tests are the first of their kind for two-sample tests of positive definite symmetric matrix distributions and are based on Laplace and Hankel transforms. The second part of this dissertation addresses problems related to data segmentation (or change point detection). Two novel classes of univariate tests for offline data segmentation are outlined, and their theoretical properties are studied. The powers are estimated using the permutation bootstrap algorithm, and the novel tests are shown to have higher test powers than the well-known tests based on the characteristic function. The location of the change point is estimated, and the novel tests are empirically demonstrated to possess greater precision. These tests are applied to two distinct datasets from meteorology and macroeconomics, further emphasizing their applicability in real-case scenarios. Moreover, the two-sample test based on the Hankel transform is modified to address change point problems. The asymptotic properties of this novel test are derived. A power study is presented, demonstrating the quality of the novel test in small-sample scenarios. The novel test is applied to financial data, emphasizing the practical applicability of this approach. This represents the first test for change point inference based on integral transforms for matrix data. URI: Files in this item: 1
lukic_Zikica_Disertacija_com2.pdf ( 1.909Mb ) -
Jelesijević, Katarina (Beograd , 2024)[more][less]
URI: Files in this item: 1
v1_masterKatarinaJelesijevic.pdf ( 2.341Mb )