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Oskanjan, Vasilije (Belgrade)[more][less]
Radović, Viktor (Beograd , 2017)[more][less]
Abstract: The main goal of this dissertation is improvement of an approach for identi- cation of the members of asteroid families, based on the hierarchical clustering method. An additional step is introduced in order to reduce a so-called chaining e ect. The introduced algorithm consists of four main steps. In the rst step, the hierarchical clustering method is applied to the initial catalogue of proper elements in order to obtain a preliminary list of family members. In the second step, using available physical properties, and based upon the de ned criteria, the interlopers are identi ed. In the third step, objects identi ed as interlopers in the second step, are excluded from the initial catalogue of proper orbital elements, producing a modi ed catalogue. Finally, in the fourth step, the HCM analysis is performed again, but this time using the modi ed catalogue of proper elements. It is shown that in this way a number of potential interlopers among family members is signi cantly reduced. Moreover, an on-line based portal (Asteroids Families Portal; AFP) to apply this procedure is developed, and is freely available to all interested researchers. The second goal of the dissertation is to determine the limitations of the backward integration method, used for estimation of ages of young asteroid families. This aim is achieved through numerical simulations of the evolution of a ctitious family. By determining instants of secular angles i $ clustering, a linear relationship is found between the depth of a clustering and the age of a family. According to the obtained results, the backward integration method could be successfully applied to families not older than 18 Myrs. URI: Files in this item: 1
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Tsirvoulis, Georgios (Beograd , 2019)[more][less]
Abstract: Asteroid families are populations of asteroids in the Main Belt that share a common origin, that is they are the fragments of energetic collisions between two asteroids. Their study over the years has produced a number of important results concerning the collisional and dynamical evolution of the Main Belt, the physical properties of the primordial bodies of the Solar System and the physics of energetic collisions, to name a few. The contribution of the present thesis can be summarized into two main topics: The first is the discovery of a new mechanism that leads to significant perturbations on the orbits of asteroids, and consequently on the evolution of asteroid families affected by it, and the second is the discovery of a couple of new families, each with its own peculiarities. The first part of this thesis was initially motivated by the irregular shape of the (1726) Hoffmeister asteroid family. In an effort to explain this peculiarity we carried out a thorough dynamical analysis of its past evolution and found out that none of the mechanisms known to affect the orbits of asteroids could explain it. Investigating further we discovered that the linear nodal secular resonance with the most massive asteroid (1) Ceres, is the mechanism responsible for the anisotropic inclination distribution of Hoffmeister family members. Having established the importance of the nodal secular resonance with Ceres, we sought to expand on the subject with the study of all linear secular resonances, nodal and periapsidal, involving not only (1) Ceres, but (4) Vesta, the second most massive asteroid, as well. To do so we utilized numerical integrations of test particles across the whole Main Belt, and evaluated the impact of these resonances on their orbits. Furthermore we identified all asteroid families crossed by one or more of these resonances. Two of these cases, the families of (1251) Seinajoki and (1128) Astrid were then studied in more detail, confirming the importance of the previously ignored secular resonances with massive asteroids. The second part details the discovery of two new asteroid families. The first one, that of (326) Tamara family, was motivated by the unexpectedly high number of dark asteroids in the Phocaea region, a part of the inner Main Belt which is expected to consist mostly of bright ones. Using all available physical data we were able to show that most of the dark asteroids therein belong to a single dynamical family, which we then further analyzed finding that it is 264 ± 43 Myrs old and that it could have a significant contribution to the influx of small dark asteroids toward the Near Earth region. The second discovered family, that of (633) Zelima, is a small cluster, sub-family of the large (221) Eos family. After identifying its members, we derived the age of the Zelima family, which turned out to be only about 3.66 Myrs. URI: Files in this item: 1
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Urošević, Dejan (Belgrade)[more][less]
Ćatović, Zlatko (Belgrade)[more][less]
Mitrašinović, Ana (Beograd , 2022)[more][less]
Abstract: The subject of this dissertation is to study the effects of galaxy flybys on the structural evolution of galaxies. Galaxy flybys are very close interactions that do not result in a merger. With the high frequency in the late Universe, their role in the evolution of galaxies is significant. Earlier studies focused on equal-mass flybys, which are extremely rare. We focus on typical flybys with a lower mass ratio. We aim to explore the structure and evolution of galaxies in greater detail and demonstrate that these flybys are just as important as equal-mass ones. We performed a series of N body simulations of typical flybys with varying impact para- meters. We demonstrated the applicability and importance of isolated N body simulations and developed an efficient method for reliable bar detection in galaxy discs. For the first time, we examined the evolution of the secondary galaxy, focusing on its dark matter mass loss. The results show that the leftover mass follows logarithmic growth law with impact parameter and suggest that flybys contribute to the formation of dark matter-deficient galaxies. The primary galaxy is affected in a similar way as in equal-mass flybys. Bars form in closer flybys, two-armed spirals form during all flybys, and the dark matter halo spins up. Most of the parameters of these structures are correlated or anti-correlated with the impact parameter. We also noticed that a double bar could form as evolving spirals wrap around the early-formed bar. We successfully demonstrated that frequent, typical flybys with lower mass ratios signifi- cantly affect the evolution of galaxies, producing various observed effects. Our results should serve as a warning not to disregard these interactions in future studies. URI: Files in this item: 1
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Knežević, Zoran (Belgrade)[more][less]
Lalović, Ana (Beograd , 2016)[more][less]
Abstract: The goal of this thesis is to reduce multidimensional space of galactic properties to the smallest number of dimensions su cient to describe them. For this purpose, the statistical analysis is applied over the parameters that describe fundamental galactic properties on the morphologically representative sample of 2180 galaxies. The sample of galaxies used in this thesis is based on the Arecibo Legacy Fast ALFA (Alfalfa) blind HI survey. The importance of an HI blind survey lies in the fact that galaxies are chosen on the basis of their gas content (HI) solely, thus free of optical selection e ects. From the initial sample counting 10000 galaxies, 2180 of them were chosen, since for this subsample the optical spectroscopy from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) was available and moreover the photometry in the UV (Galaxy Evolution Explorer, GALEX), and optical (SDSS) to the near-infrared (Two Micron All Sky Survey, 2MASS). Parameters are selected according to the previously established correlations between fundamental galactic properties, relying on the previous work. They are extensively tested and confronted between each other to be chosen from the larger parametric space. To select parameters, we rst measured stellar kinematics using publicly available code (pPXF), and tested both empirical and synthetic stellar libraries. In particular, we have measured the velocity dispersion and the higher moments of the line-of-sight velocity distribution function. This is the largest galaxy sample created so far with detailed stellar kinematics measured including higher moments of the line-of-sight velocity distribution function. The sample size allows statistical tests to be applied to the higher moment of the velocity distribution function (h4), with respect to the di erent groups of morphological galaxy types. Various tests agree with the previous indication that elliptical and lenticular galaxies have the same origin. Further, we have measured the line strength indices for several absorption lines (Lick indices), since some of them are good proxies to galaxy ages and metallicity, also the fundamental galactic properties. In the nal statistical analysis, metallicity proves to be of no importance, but the inclusion of galaxy ages in the analysis, the results change signi cantly. The last step in the parameter selection is the modelling of the galaxies' surface brightness pro les with the Sersic pro le, that is performed in this thesis with the Gal t code. The velocity dispersion measured, along with the Sersic index and effective radius of the Sersic pro le takes the role in the dynamical mass calculation, being the fundamental galactic property and hence used in the nal statistical analysis. Finally, we have taken the mass of the gas component and maximal rotational velocity from the radio-spectroscopy and Kron magnitudes (i.e. colours) from the ultraviolet/ optical/nearinfrared photometry (GALEX/SDSS/2MASS databases). After extensive testing, we have chosen the colour calculated from ultraviolet and optical magnitudes (NUV r colour), for the nal statistical analysis. It is worth noting that previous analysis of the galactic properties lack velocity dispersion, as well as the colour with the ultraviolet component, although it is a direct proxy to the speci c star formation rate in the galaxy. This particular colour makes correlations among analysed parameters stronger and proves to be more important than optical colours. Finally, when the proper parametric space of galactic properties is formed (velocity dispersion, colour, luminosity, Petrosian radii R50 and R90, dynamical, HI and stellar masses, maximal rotational velocity and the galaxy ages), the correlation analysis is performed to inspect correlations between parameters. This analysis con rms relations that are already known to hold. Then the principal component analysis is done with the purpose of nding and identifying the smallest number of galactic properties responsible for the nal products of galaxy evolution, as we see today, in the local Universe. The results of the corresponding analysis are the following: there are at least three statistically important, independent components. The rst and the most important component cannot be identi ed with either galactic property, but presents the mixture of several properties: dynamical mass, mass of the stellar and gas component, luminosity and Petrosian radii R50 and R90. Relaying on the previous work, this component may be identi ed with the "size" of the galaxies. The second component, mostly in uenced by the galactic colour, may be identi ed with the "aspect" of the galaxies. The colour was not found to be important in previous work. The galaxy ages can be identi ed with the third principal component. There is a hint on the fourth component, dominated by the maximal rotational velocity that can be identi ed with the speci c angular momentum of galaxies. Although not proven to be statistically important, it may become so in the larger sample of galaxies which will provide the information of the true peak of the galaxies' rotational curves, since the single-beam HI spectra may show the single maximum and this may not be the true maximum. Also, the rotational velocity includes the inclination correction, another questionable parameter in the analysis. To conclude: there are at least three, and possibly four dimensions of the multidimensional galactic space, as we see today. URI: Files in this item: 1
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Popović, Luka (Belgrade)[more][less]
Todorović, Nataša (Beograd , 2012)[more][less]
Abstract: Nehoroševljeva teorema (1977) igra veoma značajnu ulogu u razumevanju prirode hamiltonijanskih sistema. Pored činjenice da daje prikaz celokupne dinamike faznog prostora, ova teorema obezbeđuje i stabilnost kvazi-integrabilnih sistema u smislu da se vremena stabilnosti dejstava eksponencijalno produžavaju smanjenjem parametra poremećaja. Jedan od uslova teoreme je da integrabilna aproksimacija hamiltonijanske funkcije zadovoljava takozvani uslov strmosti. Pretpostavka izneta u dokazu teoreme je da pored parametra poremećaja, i strmost utiče na stabilizaciju sistema. Cilj doktorske teze bio je da se ova pretpostavka proveri numeričkim putem, kao i da se ilustruje uticaj strmosti na dinamiku sistema. Korišćen je model četvorodimenzione kvazi-integrabilne strme simplektičke mape, na kojoj se intenzitet strmosti lako podešava pomoću odgovarajućeg parametra. Oslanjajući se na tzv. Brzi indikator Ljapunova (Fast Lyapunov Indicator- FLI), numeričku metodu za detekciju haosa, prikazana je rezonantna struktura modela i merena je difuzija Arnoldovog tipa na odabranoj rezonanci. U prvom delu eksperimenta su za fiksirane vrednosti parametra strmosti merene promene difuzije u odnosu na smanjenje poremećaja, i potvrđeno je da se vrednost eksponenata fitovane funkcije povećava (sistem se stabilizuje) što je sistem strmiji. Otkriveno je i da eksponencijalna funkcija u strmoj nekonveksnoj oblasti u izvesnom smislu osciluje, što je rezultat koji još uvek nema svoju teorijsku interpretaciju. Takođe, primećeno je da se sa povećanjem strmosti, hiperboličke tačke zajedno sa svojom okolinom izmeštaju sa rezonantne krive. I konačno, u eksperimentu u kojem je meren direktan uticaj strmosti na brzinu difuzije, potvrđena je pretpostavka iz dokaza Nehoroševljeve teoreme, o postojanju kritične vrednosti parametra strmosti. Za vrednosti koje su manje od kritične, strmost nema uticaj na brzinu difuzije, dok je za vrednosti koje su veće od kritične, ovaj uticaj eksponencijalan. Štaviše, vrednost eksponenta ove funkcije u izvesnom smislu ima opšti karakter to jest ne zavisi od ostalih parametara sistema. Detaljnije analitičko objašnjenje ovog rezulata, svakako je jedan od budućih zadataka u interpretaciji Nehoroševljeve teoreme. URI: Files in this item: 1
Ntodorovic_Doktorat_1R.pdf ( 2.955Mb ) -
Martinović, Mihailo (, 2016)[more][less]
Abstract: The quasi-thermal noise spectroscopy is an accurate method of determination of density and temperature in space plasmas. When an electric antenna is immersed into a plasma, it is able to measure electrostatic uctuations caused by the thermal motion of plasma particles. These uctuations are detected as the power spectral density at the antenna terminals, observing a spectrum at frequencies comparable to the electron plasma frequency for both electrons and protons, since the proton signal is strongly Doppler-shifted towards higher frequencies due to the solar wind drift velocity. Beside inducing the uctuating electric eld, some of the electrons are impacting the antenna surface, causing disturbances of the antenna electric potential. The signal caused by this population is directly proportional to the ux of plasma electrons impacting the antenna and is dominant if the antenna has a large surface area. In this work, we use the orbit limited theory to calculate the incoming particle ux for a non-thermal plasma described by velocity distribution function, commonly measured in the solar wind. The increase in the particle collection by cylindrical and spherical objects is quanti ed and presented as a function of the surface electrostatic potential and the fraction of supra-thermal particles. Including these results into the theory has turned out to be absolutely necessary for accurate measurements of the plasma parameters whenever the shot noise is the dominant component in the power spectrum. This is the case for STEREO because the impact noise is overwhelming on this probe, due to the presence of short and thick antennas. The comprehensive study of data on this mission is motivated by the fact that the electron analyzers are malfunctioning since launch and no information on thermal electrons is available. Results obtained are veri ed by comparing with the results from Wind, showing a good match between the values measured by the two spacecraft. Uncertainties of the measurements are determined by the uncertainties of the instruments used and are estimated to be around 40%. The nal outcome of this work will be establishing a database of the electron moments in both STEREO A and B that will be covering the entire duration of the mission. In the second part of the thesis, we use the kinetic approach to expand the theory of the quasi-thermal noise to plasmas where electron-neutral collisions play a dominant role. This technique is able to measure the electron density, temperature and the collision frequency as independent parameters using the wide frequency range both below and above the plasma frequency, if the ratio of the collisional to plasma frequency is not smaller than 0.1. The results presented here have can be potentially applied in laboratory plasmas and unmagnetized ionospheres, while at the ionosphere of Earth their use is limited to low frequencies due to the presence of the magnetic field. URI: Files in this item: 1
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Onić, Dušan (Beograd , 2013)[more][less]
Abstract: The evolution of supernova remnants is linked to the propagation of a collisionless shock wave, formed during the initial expansion of high-velocity supernova ejecta through the interstellar environment. Theoretical studies of shock waves are very important for the analysis of supernova remnants, as well as processes in the interstellar medium in general. In this doctoral dissertation, some theoretical results based on the magnetohydrodynamical theory of shock waves are presented, with special emphasis on ideal radiative magnetohydrodynamics for the optically thick case. Particularly, solutions for the case when jump in adiabatic index and/or ratio of gas to total pressure is allowed, are discussed. The main hypothesis of this dissertation is that thermal bremsstrahlung radiation at radio continuum frequencies can provide a signi cant contribution in the case of several Galactic supernova remnants. This hypothesis can give a natural explanation for nearly concave up radio continuum spectra of several Galactic supernova remnants that are expanding in the environment with higher than average density. In this context, it is important to identify the existence of the possible indicators of ensemble of thermal electrons at su ciently low temperatures and su ciently high densities so that the thermal bremsstrahlung radiation linked to a particular remnant could be observed at radio continuum frequencies (vicinity, interaction or expansion through the molecular cloud, presence of the cooled thermal X-ray electrons during the post Sedov-Taylor phases, detection of low-frequency turnovers associated with thermal absorption linked to the remnant, detection in H , identi cation of radio recombination lines linked to the remnant, etc). The signi cant presence of thermal component could theoretically explain radiospectral indices less than 0.5 measured for several evolutionary older supernova remnants, (mainly of mixed-morphology class) that expand in the high density region. Actually, these smaller radio-spectral indices, under the assumption of simple power law, would represent a natural manifestation of a signi cant fraction of thermal emission at radio continuum frequencies. However, present knowledge of the radio continuum spectra of Galactic supernova remnants is still not determined precisely enough for any de nite conclusions to be made about the inherent thermal radio-emission from supernova remnants. A thorough analysis is only possible in the case of three Galactic supernova remnants (3C396, IC443, 3C391) for which the thermal contribution is determined despite high associated uncertainties. New observations in the near future will lay the groundwork for making rmer conclusions about the existence of the so-called radio thermally active supernova remnants. This dissertation highlights the importance of observations of supernova remnants in X and -rays, and multiwavelength analysis is general. Besides, it suggests a possible detection of -rays from supernova remnant 3C434.1 based on the observations made by Fermi. URI: Files in this item: 1
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Milić, Ivan (, 2014)[more][less]
Abstract: Multidimensional radiative transfer is an essential ingredient of modern ap- proach to modeling of astrophysical objects. Realistic modeling calls for the as- sumption of non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (NLTE), which, in turn requires self-consistent solution of coupled equations of radiative transfer statistical equilib- rium. This approach allows us to compute emergent spectrum from a given model of the object, which is, in principle, a necessary step in interpretation of observational results. Thanks to the high-resolution and high signal to noise observations, it is often possible to measure not only intensity of the light but also its state of po- larization. For interpretation of such observations it is necessary to solve radiative transfer problem for polarized radiation. This thesis deals with non-LTE transfer of (generally polarized) radiation in two- dimensional media. Thesis can be divided in two parts. In the first part, we present a numerical method for the formal solution of the radiative transfer equation in 2D Cartesian coordinate system. This method allows us to explicitly account for the contribution of non-local source functions to the local specific intensity, and, hence, to the local scattering integral. The knowledge of these contributions is necessary for an iterative solution of coupled equations of radiative transfer and statistical equilibrium. Based on this formal solution we introduce two novel schemes for multidimensional NLTE radiative transfer which have so far been used only in 1D geometry: symmetric Gauss-Seidel iteration and “Sweep-by-sweep” implicit lambda iteration, latter one being based on “Forth-and-back” implicit lambda iteration. Both methods utilize implicit use of the local source function and the source func- tion corrections each sweep of the computational grid (four times per iteration). “Sweep-by-sweep” implicit lambda iteration also uses the idea of iteration factors and achieves acceleration of about factor of seven with respect to the referent Ja- cobi method. Both new methods also significantly surpass both Jacobi iteration and Gauss-Seidel iteration on problems with periodic boundary conditions. Also, it turns out that “Sweep-by-sweep” implicit lambda iteration scales with grid resolu- tion better than the Jacobi iteration. The second part of the thesis deals with numerical polarized radiative transfer on 2D cylindrical grids. The method is based on the second order short characteristics for the formal solution and uses standard Jacobi iteration with Ng acceleration to solve the polarized non-LTE problem (Generalization to other iterative schemes is given in appendix A). This method allows for the self-consistent solution of coupled equations of radiative transfer and statistical equilibrium equation for a two level atom model for polarized radiation. The method employs reduced intensity basis where intensity and source function are written as six-vectors and source function does not depend on direction which allows for significant saving in memory and computing time. It is applicable for modeling of axisymmetric objects such as as- trophysical disks. The method has been tested on simple models of circumstellar and self-emitting disks. The most important conclusion of these computations is that the presence of the disk in the system introduces a significant degree of linear polarization due to the scattering processes and that one is able to model it in detail using our approach. Also, it is shown that the presence of rotation in self-emitting disks dramatically changes not only intensity, but also polarized spectral lines pro- files. Interplay of non-LTE, multidimensional effects and rotation results in very complicated line profiles which are non-trivial for interpretation. However, the main effect is that the rotation decreases the amount of Stokes Q component and, de- pending on the rotation velocity causes appearance of double-lobed U polarization profile. If these effects can be observed, this kind of modeling provides a useful tool for interpretation of the spectropolarimetric observations. URI: Files in this item: 1
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Zeković, Vladimir (Beograd , 2020)[more][less]
Abstract: In the disertation, by the linear plasma theory we show that resonant electromagnetic (EM)micro-instabilities are excited by the two colliding plasmas which are interpenetrating eachother with the super-Alfv ́enic velocity, in the direction quasi-parallel to the magnetic field.The expected Rankine-Hugoniot shock conditions, naturally arise as a consequence of a highlyresonant interaction of ions with the instability. By using kinetic simulations, we find herethat such resonant instabilities appear in the linear stage, and we show how these instabilitiestrigger the shock formation during the non-linear stage.By theoretical modeling, we show how a magnetosonic soliton forms and leads to the periodicshock reformation and initiation of the return current of ions, which drives the EM upstreaminstability. We find that ions are being pre-accelerated by the upstream and shock instabilities ina mechanism that is similar to the diffusive shock acceleration (DSA). By our EM test particlesimulation runs we show that at quasi-parallel shocks, EM instabilities highly contribute toelectron pre-acceleration, leading to the formation of a power-law electron spectra through theFermi-like mechanism.By very long kinetic simulation runs, in this disertation we find that ions and electronsenter DSA in a similar number which is further applied in a model of non-linear DSA. Withinthis model, we obtain the theoretical particle spectra and we find the electron-to-proton ratioat high energies for the different Mach numbers. We show that the spectra of quasi-thermalparticles at the shock can be represented by a non-equilibriumκ-distribution. We find thatthe level of modification decreases andκ-index increases behind the shock, implying that theparticle distribution tends to become a Maxwellian. URI: Files in this item: 1
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Jovanović, Predrag (Belgrade , 2005)[more][less]
Pavlović, Marina (Beograd , 2022)[more][less]
Abstract: The study of galaxies through high redshifts are key to understanding the evolution of galaxies through cosmic times. As such objects are very difficult to observe directly, they are mainly examined using empirically derived tools such as the numerous correlations between their different parametric characteristics, one of them being the linear relationship between far-infrared and radio emission in star-forming galaxies, named the Far Infrared-Radio (FIR) Correlation.Although the correlation was considered to be stable in terms of linearity, recent works, which include galaxies at high redshifts (0 < z < 6), showed a large deviation from the correlation in these systems. The goal of this doctoral dissertation is an examination of the physical processes that lead to this kind of behavior. As a possible cause of this evolution, we will assume for the first time, and examine interactions between galaxies (collisions and close approaches). Interactions be- tween galaxies lead to the formation of shock waves on large scales that can lead to changes in the relationship between infrared and radio emissions. Our hypoth- esis was tested in several stadiums and the main results are as follows: 1. We developed models of the evolution of the FIR correlation with redshift as functions of the galaxy interaction rate. We tested the models on a sample of galaxies with an already determined morphology separately for disc galaxies and for galaxies that have recently been or are currently interacting - irregular galaxies. 2. In a small sample of 34 galaxies that we took from paper Miettinen et al. (2017), it was shown that there is an indication that the interaction between galaxies can be responsible for the evolution of the correlation with the redshift. 3. The next analysis was performed on a much larger sample of star-forming galaxies taken from COSMOS field, where we did not find any evolution of corre- lation with the redshift. Also, it was shown that the mean value of the correlation parameter is lower in irregular galaxies than in disk galaxies. Although recent observations indicated an evolution of the FIR correlation with redshift, the results of this research failed to reproduce that evolution and showed that the FIR correlation is stable with redshift. However, it was also shown that due to the interaction of galaxies, the evolution of the FIR correlation is possible if the representation of interacting systems in the sample is higher. URI: Files in this item: 1
Disertacija_Marina_Pavlovic.pdf ( 8.624Mb ) -
Dimitrijević, Milan (Belgrade)[more][less]
Abstract: A detailed analysis of the motion of a charged particle under the influence of Coulomb, polarization, and quadrupolar potential has been performed, and analytical expressions for particle path parameters have been obtained. Also, conditions for existence of a critical impact parameter, which separates paths ending in the atom from those going to infinity, have been examined, and methods for its determination have been elaborated. Results of this investigations have been applied to the theory of Stark broadening (broadening of spectral lines under the influence of collisions with charged particles), where a special attention has been paid to the adiabatic limit, and to quasistatic and impact approximations. Modification of Stark broadening functions has been performed and it has been demonstrated that the biggest influence of path curvature on them, is in the vicinity of the critical impact parameter, which separates paths ending in the atom from those going to infinity. The change in the values of the Stark broadening functions will have the largest influence on Stark broadening parameters for lines for which, at the most probable velocity, influence of the contribution of inelastic collisions is dominant and effective polarizability large. The application of semiempirical approximative approach for calculation of Stark broadening parameters for multiply charged emitters, has been analyzed as well, and the modification of semiclassical theory has been performed. The averaged ratio of experimental and theoretical results is 0.75 for semiempirical, 1.47 for semiclassical, and 1.04 for modified semiclassical approach.У раду је извршена детаљна анализа кретања наелектрисане честице под утицајем Кулоновог, поларизационог и квадруполног потенцијала и добијени су аналитички изрази за параметре путање честице. Такође су испитани услови за егзистенцију критичног сударног параметра, који раздваја путање које завршавају у атому од оних које одлазе у бесконачност, и разрађене методе за његово налажење. Резултати овог испитивања су примењени на теорију Штарковог ширења (ширења спектралних линија под утицајем судара са наелектрисаним честицама), при чему је посебна пажња посвећена адијабатској граници и квазистатичкој и сударној апроксимацији. Изведена је модификација функција Штарковог ширења и показано је да је највећи утицај закривљености путање на њих, у близини критичног сударног параметра, који раздваја путање које завршавају у атому од оних које одлазе у бесконачност. Промена у величини функција Штарковог ширења ће највише утицати на параметре Штарковог ширења код линија за које је, при највероватнијој брзини, утицај доприноса нееластичних судара доминантан а ефективна поларизабилност велика. Такође је анализирана примена семиемпиријског апроксимативног прилаза за израчунавање параметара Штарковог ширења за вишеструко наелектрисане емитере, при чему је извршена модификација семикласичне теорије. Усредњени однос експерименталних и теоријских резултата је 0.75 за семиемпиријски, 1.47 за семикласични а 1.04 за модификовани семикласични прилаз. URI: Files in this item: 1
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Vince, Ištvan (Belgrade)[more][less]
Jovanović, Miljana (Beograd , 2024)[more][less]
Abstract: One of the main objectives of the Gaia mission of the European Space Agency is to construct a celestial reference frame at the wavelengths of the optical domain, Gaia CRF. This frame needs a link to the International Celestial Reference Frame – ICRF which is fixed with respect to distant objects (quasars). The objects serving for the purpose of linking are required to be visible in both domains (optical and radio). A set of 47 such objects has been proposed and included which in the radio domain have no detected extended emission. The mentioned objects are active galactic nuclei (AGN) the brightness of which varies over the whole electromagnetic spectrum. The brightness change may be due to activity in different AGN regions, but also to external factors. Such variations can lead to changes in the photocentre position and, consequently, to changes of the object coordinates. In order to establish which objects are suitable for linking these two frames we have examined the brightness variation in the optical domain. The objects have been observed from 2013 in the V and R bands. We have analysed the brightness, colour (V − R) and optical spectral index (α). It has been established that for the majority of objects the brightness is variable, or possibly variable. Almost 15% of all objects have significant changes in their brightness (more than 1 mag), only ∼10% are stable with minor brightness changes of ∼0.3 mag. The results concerning the change analysis of the colour and α are also presented. Based on these results 17 objects are chosen as suitable for linking ICRF to Gaia CRF. The results of the analysis, as well as the observed values, are essential for the examination of these objects because of their importance in astrometry, also in astrophysics. These data are relevant to a better understanding of formation and evolution of galaxies. URI: Files in this item: 1
MiljanaJovanovic-teza.pdf ( 6.418Mb ) -
Lazović, Jovan (Belgrade , 1964)[more][less]
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