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Martinović, Nemanja (Beograd , 2017)[more][less]
Abstract: Within this dissertation results from the analysis of formation, abundance and evolution of the dwarf galaxies from cosmological simulations will be presented. We will present results from first cosmological simulation which was performed and analyzed in its entirety in Serbia. From the obtained results it was shown how the large scale structure formed, primarily the formation of clusters of galaxies. Since the clusters of galaxies are dominant structures in the universe, which are relatively slowly forming in relation to the existence of the universe, using the Illustris cosmological simulation, with included hydrodynamics, it will be shown that a significant part of the clusters of galaxies are not in the state of dynamic equilibrium, as some authors claim, therefore their formation process continues. The obtained results will be used to divide the clusters of galaxies into three types: interacting clusters, clusters interacting with smaller groups (weakly interacting clusters), and clusters of galaxies that are not interacting. As the dwarf galaxies constitute largest number of galaxies in the universe, notably largest number in the clusters of galaxies, this raises the question how cluster’s interactions affect the structure and abundance of a diverse type of dwarf galaxies within them. After a brief review of today’s known types of dwarf galaxies, we will show that there is susceptibility of the abundance of dwarf irregular galaxies in relation to whether the parent cluster of galaxies is in interaction or not. As it is assumed that the dwarf irregular galaxies are predecessors for the formation of the most numerous types of dwarf galaxies, this could point to the dominant channel of delivering these galaxies to clusters of galaxies where they are expected to undergo morphological transformation. In the end, the discovery of two formation channels for compact elliptical galaxies in the clusters of galaxies will be presented. The formation of this type of dwarf galaxies has been the subject of discussion due to limitations in observations and their compact nature from which it could not be concluded which process leads to their formation. It has been shown here that they occur either by tidal stripping of large spiral galaxies after their spiraling into the cluster of galaxies or forming directly inside clusters from the clouds of gas which is most probably formed by the accretion of cold gas from the environment. URI: Files in this item: 1
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Smole, Majda (Beograd , 2017)[more][less]
Abstract: Formation mechanism of supermassive black holes (SMBHs) observed in the early Universe is still not fully understood. The goal of this thesis is to nd under what conditions black hole (BH) remnants of Population III stars can form SMBH with mass 109 M by redshift z = 7. We use Millennium and Millennium-II N-body cosmological simulations to investigate BH growth on cosmological scales. In order to exploit both high mass resolution in the Millennium-II simulation and large box size in the Millennium simulation, we develop a method to combine these two simulations together. BHs can grow through mergers with other BHs and through episodes of gas accretion triggered by major mergers of dark matter haloes. As a constraint in our model, we use observed BH mass function at redshift z = 6. We nd that BH seeds with masses 100 M could grow to SMBHs in distant quasars if e ective Eddington ratio is xed at fEdd = 3:7 and each accretion episode is limited to 50 Myr. During a BH merger asymmetric emission of gravitational radiation can lead to BH kick. Gravitational wave recoil can completely eject BH from it's host if the kick velocity is larger than the escape velocity from the galaxy. Since gravitational wave recoil could a ect SMBH growth through mergers, recoiling BHs are investigated in di erent models of host galaxies. BH trajectories are investigated in static and evolving dark matter halo potential described by NFW and Einasto density distributions. We nd that evolution of dark matter haloes clearly impact their capability to retain recoiling BHs since escape velocities are lower for smaller haloes at high redshifts. If the Einasto pro le is considered, then a larger number of complete BHs ejections is expected compared to NFW potential. Further, we construct analytical and numerical host galaxy models whose components are dark matter halo, bulge and disc. If baryonic component of a galaxy is included escape velocity is higher compared to a purely dark matter halo potential. Major (1:1) and minor (1:10) galaxy remnants are modeled separately. In numerical models BHs are ejected from their host centre before galaxy merger is completed, so escape velocities are generally lower in numerical models compared to analytical models where galaxy potential is unperturbed. Even though BHs could occasionally escape the most massive hosts, our model is not considerably sensitive to the gravitational wave recoil except for mergers of equal mass BHs in the least massive haloes at high redshifts where kick velocities of Vk . 100 km=s could permanently eject BHs from their hosts. URI: Files in this item: 1
Majda_Smole_disertacija.pdf ( 4.149Mb ) -
Pavlović, Rade (Faculty of Mathematics, University of Belgrade , 2008)[more][less]
Abstract: We investigate the ful¯llment of conditions for application of Nekhoroshev theorem to real dynamical system, such as the motion of asteroids under the perturbation by major planets. We have in particular analyzed the regions of the phase space where asteroid families of Koronis and Veritas are located. The results obtained for a number of selected family members indicate that in these regions even stricter conditions (convexity, quasi-convexity and 3- jet), than the condition of steepness required by the theorem, are fullled. Consequently, the theorem of Nekhoroshev can be applied to members of Koronis family and to the members of Veritas family with regular motion. URI: Files in this item: 1
phdRadePavlovic.pdf ( 3.135Mb ) -
Milisavljević, R. Slaviša (Belgrade , 2013)[more][less]
Abstract: The problem of the minimal mutual distances for two confocal elliptical orbits (local minima), in the literature known as the proximity calculation for minor planets and recognised recently as Minimal Orbit Intersection Distance – MOID, occupies a very important place in astronomical studies, not only because of the prediction of possible collisions of asteroids and other celestial bodies, but also because of the fact that by analysing the behaviour of asteroids during their encounters it is possible to determine their masses, changes of orbital elements and other important characteristics. Dealing with this problem in this thesis the author has analysed the distance function for two elliptical confocal orbits of minor planets combining analytical and numerical methods for proximity calculation. A survey of all relevant results in this field from the middle of the XIX century till our days indicates that the problem has been transformed from looking for a solution of two transcendental equations by applying various methods and approximations of long duration towards efficient and rapid solutions of vector equations of the system which describes the problem. In the thesis a simple and efficient analytic-numerical method has been developed, presented and applied. It finds out all the minima and maxima in the distance function and, indirectly, makes it possible to determine also the inflection points. The method is essentially based on Simovljevic’s (1974) graphical interpretation and on transcendental equations developed by Lazovic (1993). The present method has been examined on almost three million pairs of real elliptical asteroid orbits and its possibilities and the computation results have been compared to the algebraic solutions given by Gronchi (2005). The case of a pair of confocal orbits with four proximities found by Gronchi (2002), who applied the method of random samples and carried out numerous simulations with different values of orbital elements, gave the motivation to try here to find out such a pair among the real pairs of asteroid orbits. Thanks to the efficacy of the method developed in the thesis two such pairs have been found and their parameters are presented. In addition to the one meantioned above a further analysis of distance function through simulations including more than 20 million different pairs of asteroid orbits has resulted in several additional interesting solutions of the distance function. The results are given in the form of tables and plots showing the diversity of solutions for the distance function. URI: Files in this item: 1
phdSlavisaMilisavljevic.pdf ( 3.815Mb ) -
Simovljević, Jovan (None)[more][less]
Pejović, Nadežda (Belgrade)[more][less]
Kostić, Petar (b , 2023)[more][less]
Abstract: The models of radio synchrotron emission of supernova remnants (SNRs) imply uniform density ahead of shock wave, so the evolution of luminosity is usu- ally studied in such an environment, most often through the surface-brightness-to- diameter dependence, the Σ–D relation. This field aims to better understand the SNR evolution, the emission models, but also the methods for determining their distance. It is not an easy task because of a very large scatter in the Σ–D Milky Way sample. The dissertation puts a different perspective at the Σ–D relation (usually treated as power-law function), assuming that non-uniform environment around the stars considerably affects its shape and slope, that may vary during the SNR expansion. It makes the ambient density structure an important factor whose impact must be investigated. The numerical code for hydrodynamic (HD) simulations and the emission model were developed. The 3D HD simulations were performed in different non-uniform environments, including low-density bubbles and a variety of clumpy models. Based on the simulation results, a semi-analytical 3D spherically-symmetric model of HD and Σ–D evolution of SNRs in clumpy medium was developed, which is used to generate large Σ–D samples. The results show that after entering the clumpy medium the SNR brightness enhances, but afterward the Σ–D slope steepens, shortening the brightness evolu- tion lifetime. Despite the evident increase in slope in clumpy medium, the Galactic sample average slope flattens at ≈ 13–50 pc. After analyzing the generated SNR samples in clumpy medium it is concluded that the significant flattening and scatter in Galactic sample originates in sporadic emission jumps of individual SNRs in a limited diameter interval. The additional analyses of selection effects are needed to investigate these issues. URI: Files in this item: 1
Kostic_Petar_disertacija.pdf ( 1.947Mb ) -
Damljanović, Goran (Faculty of Mathematics, University of Belgrade , 2007)[more][less]
Stojanović, Milan (Beograd , 2017)[more][less]
Abstract: The goal of this dissertation is to determine values of local dynamical constants. This goal is achieved through examination of multiple samples of selected stars near the Sun. The selection is done by using planar and vertical eccentricities as sampling criteria. The solution for calculating eccentricities is given. In the next step a large sample of stars is selected by defining upper limits for eccentricities and vertical amplitude. Then nested subsamples are formed in two ways: in the first one upper eccentricity limit is subjected to decreasing, in the other one this is the case with upper amplitude of oscillations perpendicular to the plane. The values of the local dynamical constants are deduced by analysing this material. URI: Files in this item: 1
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Sadžakov, Sofija (Belgrade)[more][less]
Stalevski, T. Marko (Belgrade, Gent , 2012)[more][less]
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Marko_Stalevski_doktorska_disertacija.pdf ( 6.024Mb ) -
Popović, Georgije (Belgrade)[more][less]
Kubičela, Aleksandar (Belgrade , 1973)[more][less]
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Komarčić, Lazar (Belgrade , 1902)[more][less]
Valjarević, Aleksandar (Niš , 2012)[more][less]
Abstract: The territory of Kosovo and Metohia has alwaus represented the hidrology interesting area of study, in which they compared the parameters of water drainage and their physical properties. Generalization is one of the methods for these porposes and may be used and the results can be applied to various forms of digital maps. URI: Files in this item: 1
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Mitić, Ljubiša (Belgrade)[more][less]
Mišković, Vojislav (Belgrade , 1939)[more][less]
URI: Files in this item: 1
VojislavMiskovi ... eLUniversiteDeBelgrade.pdf ( 2.547Mb ) -
Abstract: Supermassive black holes (SMBHs) reside in the heart of nearly every massive galaxy in the Universe. Most of them lie dormant, but when the nearby gas is abundant, it will enter an active phase and form an active galactic nucleus (AGN). In their active phase, SMBHs have a profound effect on the host galaxy evolution and its environment. Reliable SMBH mass measuring is therefore an important task in modern astronomy. For that purpose, a method has been recently proposed by Afanasiev & Popović (2015) that uses the rotation of the polarization plane position angle across the broad emission line profile in order to trace the Keplerian motion and determine the SMBH mass. This method assumes that broad lines are emitted from a flattened disk-like region undergoing Keplerian motion, while the polarization is mainly due to the light scattering of the inner side of the coplanar dusty torus – the equatorial scattering. The goal of the thesis is to theoretically explore the possibilities of this method. We performed numerous Monte Carlo simulations for modeling equatorial scattering in AGNs using the radiative transfer code stokes (Goosmann & Gaskell 2007). We included complex motion of the emitting region in the form of radial inflows, vertical outflows, or due to the presence of the supermassive binary black holes (SMBBHs). We also selected fourwell known AGNs for observations: NGC4051, NGC4151, 3C273 and PG0844+349. Spectropolarimetry was done with the 6m telescope BTA of the Special Astrophysical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Science (SAO RAS) with the focal reducer SCORPIO. We modeled each of these AGNs using observational data available from the literature, and we compared the results of our models with observational data. We find that this method can be used as a new independent way to measure the SMBH masses in AGNs. The influence of the inflows and the outflows can be ignored if they are much lower than the Keplerian velocity. Additionally, when the scattering region is close to the broad line region, this method becomes independent of the viewing inclination. For SMBBHs, this method cannot be used, however, we obtained unique polarization profiles which are not common for a single SMBH, which could be used for identifying possible SMBBH candidates. SMBH mass estimates for the four observed AGNs are in good agreement with the masses obtained using other methods, such as the method of reverberation mapping. Method for independent SMBH mass measurements has been theoretically and experimentally verified in this work, which is very important for the future research that is dealing with the SMBH influence on its immediate environment. URI: Files in this item: 1
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Arbutina, Bojan (Faculty of Mathematics, University of Belgrade , 2009)[more][less]
Abstract: The main research topic of this dissertation are extreme mass ratio contact close binary systems, q 0.1, of W Ursae Majoris (W UMa) type. These close binaries (CBs) represent an interesting class of objects in which ”normal”, approximately one solar mass main-sequence star is in contact with a significantly less massive companion, M2 ∼ 0.1 M . Earlier theoretical investigations of these systems found that there is a minimum mass ratio qmin = M2/M1 ≈ 0.085 − 0.095 (obtained for n = 3 polytrope - fully radiative primary) above which these CBs are stable and could be observed. If the mass ratio is lower than qmin, or, equivalently, if orbital angular momentum is only about three times larger than the spin angular momentum of a massive primary, a tidal instability develops (Darwin’s instability) forcing eventually the stars to merge into a single, rapidly rotating object (such as FK Com-type stars or blue stragglers). However, there appear to be some W UMa-type CBs with empirically obtained values for the mass ratio below the theoretical limit for stability. The aim of this dissertation is to try to resolve the discrepancy between theory and observations by considering rotating polytropes. By including in theory the effects of higher central condensation due to rotation we were able to reduce qmin to the new theoretical value qmin = 0.070 − 0.074, for the overcontact degree f = 0 − 1, which is more consistent with the observed population. Other candidate systems for stellar mergers such as AM CVn-type stars have also been discussed in the dissertation. URI: Files in this item: 1
phdBojanArbutina.pdf ( 6.326Mb ) -
Rakić, Nemanja (Beograd , 2022)[more][less]
Abstract: Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) are galaxy cores in which a supermassive black hole is being surrounded with an accretion disk, which emits powerful continuum emission. This continuum ionizes the surrounding gas which than emits the broad lines, detected in the optical band. The aim of this thesis is to model complex optical spectra of large numbers of type 1 AGNs (AGNs with broad emission lines) and study physical properties of the emitting gas, so-called broad line region. Understanding the physics of the broad line region, as well as the physics of AGN as a whole is important for understanding the galaxy formation and evolution. This thesis investigate a large sample of type 1 AGNs taken from the SDSS spectral database. In total, over 1500 spectra were analyzed, for which a completely new software for modeling of optical AGN spectra (named FANTASY) was developed. Automated simultaneous modeling of all emission components in the optical spectrum enables reliable measurement of spectral parameters, which can have significant application in future investigation of large AGN samples, collected within the upcoming large spectroscopic sky surveys. The physical properties in the broad line region were studied through the analysis of a still unexplained (anti)correlation between the equivalent width of the emission lines and the conti- nuum flux (the so-called Baldwin effect). It has been confirmed that the intrinsic Baldwin effect exists in the Balmer hydrogen lines in type 1 AGNs, and that a potential physical explanati- on for this effect might be presence of an additional non-ionizing optical continuum emission, which originates from the broad line region. Finally, the significant outcome of this thesis is is the new publicly available software package FANTASY, which can be widely used in the future spectral analysis of AGN. URI: Files in this item: 1
Doktorska_disertacija_nrakic.pdf ( 5.806Mb )